Tuesday, March 6, 2012

.Net 2.0 and datetime


Here's my problem.

So using a stored proc and some parameters I want to update a datetime field

So I define @.theDate as datetime in my stored proc

in my vb.net app I have

dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@.theDate", SelectedDate)

where SelectedDate is

Dim SelectedDate as Nullable(of Datetime)

Now if SelectDate is a value all is good with the world.

However if SelectDate is Null I get an error.

How do I pass a null date to the stored proc ?

You need to add code like this:

dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@.theDate", (SelectedDate==null) ? DbNull.Value : SelectedDate)

DbNull.Value is a null for the database.

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